E Business Services
Save Big on Postage
Just imagine the cost savings if you didn’t have to pay for postage on your monthly statements and invoices. When you partner with Alaska Laser, we give you the option to offer your customers the ability to sign up and receive their statements online.
Easy View Online
When we receive your monthly statement batch, we will notify those who have signed up for E-Statements that their bill is ready to view, and we will process the rest of the batch as normal. Customers can register to view current or past statements along with payment history.
Online Payments
Quick & Easy Pay Online
Not only will your customers have the opportunity to receive E-Statements, but they will also be able to pay their bill safely and securely online with a credit/debit card. They will enjoy the flexibility to make one-time express payments and setup automatic recurring payments.
View Payment History
Customers can also view statement and payment history. It is guaranteed safe and secure. Once a payment is submitted, the funds are automatically deposited into your account and a report can be generated to import into your accounting software.
Lockbox Services
Save Time Processing
You may be asking yourself, “My bank offers a lockbox service, why should I use Alaska Laser for their lockbox service?” At Alaska Laser, we provide all the same services that a bank lockbox service would provide you, and more.
Payment Data Secure
Not only do we open the mail, scan both sides of the check and stub, make the deposits into your bank account each night, but we also create a compatible report and electronic file that will post into your accounting software, to update your receivables. Check images and stubs are available 24-7 through our secure website to view or print at anytime.
Remote Deposit
Quick Check Deposit
With Remote Deposit, you can now scan and electronically deposit all forms of paper check types right from your desk without ever having to make a trip to the bank. Your customer’s account is electronically debited and your company account is credited automatically.
Access Deposits Online
A file is then created to post and update your accounting system. We make the transition simple. And just like our lockbox service, check images and stubs are available 24-7 through our secure website to view or print at anytime.